For Members: Your username is your 9-digit card number (add zeros before card number if yours is not 9 digits). Your initial password is your birthday in the following format: MMDDYYYY (ex. 03141976).
Union contracts include Pension contributions. These contributions fund the retirement programs offered to employees. Some contracts will include Supplemental Pensions in addition to UA National Pension Fund.
For National Pension Information contact:
Plumbers and Pipefitters National Pension Fund 103 Oronoco Street Alexandria, VA 22314 1-800-638-7442
For Alaska Pension & Supplemental Pension Information contact:
Alaska Plumbing & Pipefitting Industry Pension Trust Fund / Local 375 & 367 401(k) Supplemental Pension BeneSys, Inc. PMB #116 5331 S Macadam Ave, Suite 258 Portland, OR 97239 (503)535-6851 OR 1-800-811-8851